Windows 10 UPGRADE direct de pe Windows 7

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Posts: 2048
Joined: 24.10.2006 14:53
PostPosted: 09.10.2014 23:03

Esenta este: cei care au Windows 8.1, ,daca vor sa treaca pe Windows 10 trebuie sa instaleze in prealabil tot TECHNICAL-PREVIEW-Sistem Windows 10...(din motive de incompatibilitate)

Fast and easy way to install the Windows 10 Technical Preview from within Windows 8.1

Windows 9 NU-L cautati, este o treapta PROVIZORIE (va mai amintiti de Windows M(illenium) sau de Windows 98, 98S?)

Insa Microsoft pregateste pachetul pentru UPGRADE direct de la WINDOWS 7 la WINDOWS 10.

Cred ca deocamdata raman la Windows 7 x64... (de la instalare absolut niciun Bluescreen, nici la cateva prelucrari video simultan-paralele si sunt pe E8600, Core 2 Dual, nu pe 4, 6 sau (acum mai nou 8 ) Kernel; compatibilitatea (partiala) la drivere si programe ar trebui sa fie reciproca...

Ma astept, asa cum a mai facut-o Microsoft, dupa ce i-a prostit pe toti cu Windows 8.1, sa paraseasca complet aceasta veriga , nepotrivita in lantul de evolutie; se sare direct de la 7 la 10....Aici aduc aminte de propagarea intensa pentru (fara avertizare) renumitul flop (Asta la) VISTA . Macar la Windows 9 spune clar, va exista public, e o treapta pentru altceva....

(Mda, in Hardware...inca nu sariti pe mainboards pentru procesor Haswell cu RAM DDR4....Intel are ceva nou in proiect , care e mai avansat decat sistemul HASWELL si care integreaza mai bine totul...2015 apare)...

Dar sa dau sursa:

Si acum, TEXTUL, il am numai in germana...dar

Microsoft: Einfaches Upgrade von Windows 7 auf Windows 10 geplant

Donnerstag, 09. Okt. 2014 15:05 - [ar] - Quelle:

Um die Akzeptanz von Microsofts kommenden Betriebssystem zu fördern, soll ein direktes Upgrade von Windows 7 auf Windows 10 möglich sein.

Die Neuerungen von Windows 10 sollen laut Microsoft so weitreichend sein, dass Windows 9 als Version einfach übersprungen wird. Der eigentliche Grund für den unerwarteten Versionsübersprung dürften allerdings die älteren Windows-Versionen 95 und 98 sein.

Trotz den angekündigten Änderungen bemüht sich Microsoft anscheinend stark um die Akzeptanz des kommenden Betriebssystems. Wie bereits bei der Technical-Preview von Windows 10 soll auch mit der Final-Version des Betriebssystem ein direktes Upgrade von Windows 7 auf Windows 10 ermöglicht werden.

Das Interessante an dem Upgrade derweil ist, dass dieses mit etwas Umstand und einer Zusatzdatei zwar von Windows 7 funktioniert. Anwender von Windows 8 oder 8.1 sind allerdings auf eine Neuinstallation des Preview-Betriebssystems von Windows 10 angewiesen. Anscheinend ist Microsoft dabei wichtig, dass das immer noch besonders beliebte Windows 7 mit dem neuen Windows 10 bald abgelöst wird.

(Bild: Upgrade von Windows 7 auf Windows 10 Technical Preview)

Si acum sa dau sursa sursei mele, este in engleza, si are MULTE chestii referitoare la Windows 10 (DACA am inteles bine, se paraseste partial calea de Windows 8.1 (lucrez de mai mult cu el pe laptop,este mai rapid decat Windows 7 dar nu-l suport, nu poti sa intri unde vrei in adancime) si NU STIU daca revine la structura Windows 7 care este de fapt cea clasica, seamana cu Windows 2000 si XP, dar mai pe ocolite, trebuie sa te inveti cu noua harta...Aici ar trebui sa citesc specificatiile de Windows 10 ca sa-mi dau mai bine seama,(le aveti mai jos in engleza) insa acum dau numai anuntul prealabil.

O prima smecherie la snapping, de fapt cunoscuta, dar mult-mai-mult decat ce era pana acum, este ca poti sa dechizi ca la televizor, imagine langa imagine sau imagine in imagine,(windows/ferestre ACTIVE).... (Apare necesitatea unui desktop monstru? sau mai bine un LCD smart-tv 32", care de fapt consuma mai putin decat un desktop mic clasic?)

How to take full advantage of 'snapping' in the Windows 10 Technical Preview
Written by Dilraj Singh
on Tuesday, Oct 7th, 2014 at 08:27PM

Snapping windows is pretty old news at this point. If you're a Windows 7 or 8 user you probably think you've seen all there is to 'snapping.' But if you did think so, you'd be wrong. There is more, much more. Well, maybe not much more, but there is more.

First is the guided 'snap assist.' To trigger it, you start with no snapped windows, and then drag a window to either side of the screen. It will snap this window, and on the other side of the screen give you an option of windows to snap alongside it. To select, use the arrow keys + enter, or click on one. If you don’t want to snap anything else, simply click anywhere but the choices.

They have also made it smarter when you are resizing snapped windows. Let me give you an example. You snap a window on the left or right. Then you resize it, as it doesn’t need half the screen. Now you go to a different window, that was full screen, and snap it next to the window you just resized. In Windows 7 and 8 it would snap and take up half the screen. It now takes up the rest of the screen.

Lastly, you can now snap into corners. Once a window is snapped to either side, pressing windows + up/down arrow will snap it up or down. So now you can have two, three, or four windows snapped in seconds.

Here is my best advice. Hold down the windows key, and go nuts with the arrow keys. Only though this can you see the new way windows react to 'snapping.' Try resizing the windows and snapping windows next to them, and snapping them in different directions. This is the best way you'll understand. And once you can adjust multiple windows on your screen in seconds, you'll at the least feel very productive.

One annoyance I do have with the system is the way my windows turn out 'post-snap.' If I go from a window that takes up most of my screen, snap it to a corner, and then un-snap it, it remains the same size as it was when snapped. Intuitively, once I am done multi-tasking and want that window back, I want it back to the size I had it. How do you feel about it?

Note: when i say window(s) ... I mean windows of programs. Not the Operating System (unless Windows is followed by a number).

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